Monthly Archives: September 2022

2 posts

Alucasa mobile home for sale

Sorry! This has now been sold. This page has been left here to prevent broken links on the site. A large two bedroom mobile home for sale. Already prepared for transport, this home has two air conditioning units (disconnected), a full kitchen with fridge / freezer, a bathroom with walk-in shower and gas hot water boiler. All windows are double glazed, with security locks, persianas (venetian blinds) and flyscreens. This home is in a very good condition and is a perfect alternative to building if you have a plot of land. A real bargain and ready to be moved at […]

Miraflores health audits

As part of our commitment to food safety, the kitchen at Miraflores is audited every quarter by an independent health and safety auditor. As well as checking that we are following our own internal health protocols, they carry out random spot checks on food and surfaces to ensure that there is no food contamination. The latest audit report is always available to check in our offices, upon request. Because you don’t gamble with food safety – you have the right to eat in perfect safety when you’re here!