Ticket sales terms and conditions

In these terms and conditions of sale, “Miraflores” refers to the catering and entertainment arm of Los Gallardos Leisure, a resort run by the Spanish limited company ARK 90 S.L., with CIF B04122974, registered in the mercantile registrar of the province of Almería with the following inscription details: R.M. de Almeria: Tomo: 6, Libro: 0, Folio: 11, Seccion: 8, Hoja: AL127.

The following conditions apply to all ticket sales unless otherwise specified at the time of sale, irrespective of being purchased either physically (via a sales outlet) or online.

Purchasing tickets

  1. Tickets you purchase are for personal use only. Except as we may agree, you and your party must not re-sell or transfer (or seek to re-sell or transfer) the tickets under any conditions. A breach of this condition will entitle Miraflores to cancel the tickets without prior notification, refund, compensation or liability. Furthermore, Miraflores will only honour tickets being redeemed by the person whose name is on the ticket.
  2. Tickets are issued to individual names (ticket holder name) under a group name booking (group name) which is assigned as a designated contact for the whole booking. The group name holder is the designated point of contact for all ticket holders within that group, and any notification sent to that person is understood to apply to all individual ticket holders linked to that group.
  3. In addition to the ticket price your order may require payment of a booking fee per ticket, a transaction fees per order and/or other supplementary fees which may apply to the event. Those fees are not refundable except as set out but may be waived. They will be clearly identified as such when booking and on your factura. A factura simplificada is issued at the moment of sale which sets out the costs and concepts of sale. You have the right to request a full factura de servicios within 30 days of purchase, as laid out in the Spanish Civil Code.
  4. Online and physical credit card transactions are carried out by Santander Elavon S.A., the commercial card arm of Santander bank. They are in charge of carrying out checks and may ask you to provide additional information (such as a copy of a credit or debit card statement) after your booking so they can verify your purchase.
  5. You must inform Miraflores of any change of contact phone number or email address, both before and after receipt of the tickets. Our contact details are below. Our preferred method to contact you is email, so you should take care to provide a current, valid email address and be aware that your email filter settings may treat our emails as spam or direct them to your junk folder.
  6. An order for tickets is not complete until accepted by us. We try to ensure all prices are accurate but errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of tickets you have ordered we will inform you as soon as possible and we may either cancel the order (in which case you will be refunded the ticket price and any booking, transaction or supplementary fees you have paid) or give you the option of confirming your order at the correct price.
  7. When we allocate specific seats to you we have the right to change these seats to others of equal value.
  8. On rare occasions the show or event may be filmed or recorded. Buying a ticket affirms your consent to the filming and sound recording of yourself as a member of the audience. If you have any objection, should this happen when you attend a show or event, please contact a member of staff.

Delivery, Cancellation Rights and Refunds

  1. Tickets cannot be transferred, exchanged, or refunded once purchased other than for the reasons set out in these terms and conditions.
  2. Tickets may be dispatched to you electronically, or be collected from a physical sales office. We do not post out physical tickets.
  3. Always check your tickets upon receipt and notify us of any errors at once.
  4. When a group booking is placed, individual tickets may be cancelled without affecting other ticket holders within the group.
  5. Duplicate tickets can be sent out electronically upon request.
  6. Tickets for events may be cancelled for any reason at any point before the cancellation cut-off point. We offer a full refund of the total value of the tickets plus any additional services, but charge a €5 admin fee for the cancellation, when tickets are cancelled before the cut-off point.
  7. If a cancellation for an event is given after the cut-off point, no refund shall be given. Instead, tickets will go into a resale queue and if resold, the resale value of the tickets less a €5 admin fee will be returned to the original ticket holder.
  8. Unless otherwise specified, the default cancellation cut-off point for events held at Miraflores is 72 hours before start of show. The cancellation cut-off point for coach trips is substantially earlier, due to the need to reserve coaches and entry tickets. The cancellation cut-off point for coach trips is negotiated with the organising company, and published on a per-trip basis.
  9. Refunds will be given via the original method of purchase only. If purchased by bank card, the refund will be given to the original card only. Alternatively, you have the right to ask for a credit note to be issued in your name, to be spent at Los Gallardos Leisure within one year of the day of issuance.
  10. Refunds will be issued within 30 natural days of refund authorisation being given.
  11. Refunds must be requested in writing to Miraflores, or to your personal service representative if one is assigned to you. You can also request a refund in the shop, although this will result in your refund request being allocated to your service representative for processing.
  12. Refunds will not be issued if you fail to comply with these terms and conditions.
  13. Refunds will not be issued in the case that you fail to attend the event for whatever reason (no-show).

Cancellation, change or postponement of an event

  1. All changes or cancellations to an event or your tickets will be notified by email to the designated address of the group booking holder, as per article (2) of these terms.
  2. In the event of a cancellation, the liability of Miraflores consists entirely of the declared value of your tickets as detailed in the associated factura simplificada (bill of sale) which is associated with each booking. Miraflores cannot be held responsible for any claims due to loss of money or time, refunds or for any resulting costs you may incur for travel, accommodation, any other related goods or service or other compensation. Travel costs will only be reimbursed when they have been booked and paid for through Miraflores, excluding third party transport providers such as taxis.
  3. You should always check that an event is going ahead before travelling.
  4. If an event is rescheduled, changed or moved, Miraflores will usually give you the option of either retaining or exchanging your tickets for the new date, or alternatively claiming a refund. If an event is cancelled by Miraflores you will normally be offered a refund. Please note that the Booking Fee and any Transaction Fees are not refundable in these circumstances.

Miraflores coach trips

  1. Miraflores offers coach trips as a reseller for an organiser. Miraflores does not act as a travel agent or agente turístico.
  2. Miraflores may alter or cancel the coaches which it runs for operational reasons. Whilst Miraflores will endeavour to notify you (using the contact details you provided) of any changes to your journey it cannot guarantee to do so. You should always check that the journey is going ahead at the scheduled time and departure point and you must advise your party of any changes.
  3. When a trip is organised by a third party and resold by Miraflores, the third party is responsible for all matters of trip organisation, and for fulfilling the promises made in advertising. Customers who are not content with their trip should advise Miraflores for this to be taken into account when organising future trips with the third party.
  4. The coach operator will normally have their own conditions of carriage with which you should comply in order to obtain and fulfil your trip. If the coach operator refuses to complete your trip for whatever reason, Miraflores cannot be held responsible in any way for their decision.
  5. Please note that your Personal Contact details may be shared with the third party organising the trip, or with the coach operator, simply in order to ensure that they can discharge their responsibilities in contacting you. Under no circumstances may such disclosure of information be used to contact you after the trip has been completed for advertising purposes. Please see our privacy policy for more details.
  6. If You have booked transport through Miraflores as part of a package to your event, and Miraflores makes changes to coach availability in a way which means you can no longer attend the event, you will be entitled to a full refund of the cost of your coach travel, your ticket price and any booking fee, transaction fee or supplementary fee. This does not include changing the time of the coach within the day the coach has been organised for.
  7. Miraflores will take all reasonable precautions to ensure coaches arrive on time but is not responsible for delays due to circumstances which are unforeseen or beyond its control (e.g. traffic delays or vehicle breakdowns).
  8. You should take care of any personal property that you may have with you on any coach, and in no circumstances should you leave it unattended. Miraflores is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of such personal property.
  9. The coach operator is responsible for all matters of civil responsibility insurance relating to the trip.


  1. Tickets must be shown to gain admission. Tickets can be shown electronically or in physical form.
  2. When food is included in the ticket price, tickets may need to be shown to gain access to the food.
  3. When food is included in the ticket price, but You do not avail yourself of the option to eat, no refund shall be given.
  4. Your good behaviour is essential to gain and retain admission to events.

Data Protection

  1. Your data will be held on file by ARK 90 S.L. in an electronic format until your reservation or booking has been completed as is detailed in our Privacy Policy here (see the section When you book at the restaurant).


Still unsure? Then contact us!


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