A great weekend away with fantastic entertainment!

Beat the blues with a great weekend away at Los Gallardos in one of our luxury self-catering fully equipped homes!

Accommodation in one of our luxury mobile homes, which come fully equipped with everything you need, a/c and full UK television. You have full access to the swimming pool, putting green, bowling greens and other resort amenities.

Kids welcome!

Looking for something a bit different? Contact us and we’ll customise your weekend break for you!

Stay in one of our fantastic self-catering luxury mobile homes, which include UK television, for two nights (contact us if you want to stay Sunday night as well).
Turn up on Friday, and enjoy our fantastic swimming pool or bowling greens* and enjoy our famous fish and chips dinner that evening which is INCLUDED in the price (other menu options also available!) and enjoy the Friday night entertainment at Miraflores.
Have a relaxing day Saturday, and enjoy the bowling greens or putting green, or any of the other amenities available to you.
Then on Sunday, come on down to the area’s best Sunday Carvery with live music in the afternoon.

What’s included?

  • Accommodation for two people for two nights in one of our mobile homes with arrival Friday.
  • Access to complex, including swimming pool and other amenities.
  • Vouchers for 2 Friday fish & chips. The face value of the meal can be offset from other menu options if you prefer to change your meal.
weekend breaks at Miraflores

Food deal: You get a €15 voucher for the Friday. You can offset the voucher against any food purchased on the eligible day (but not drinks). Vouchers must be spent on the day indicated and cannot be transferred / redeemed / spent on another day.

Please note that tickets to the events must be purchased separately. No food other than two standard fish and chips (or equivalent) is included.

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