Use of clubhouse lockers – terms and conditions

  • Locker rental run from January 1st to December 31 and rates are not pro-rated or refundable. Fees must be annually before keys are issued.
  • Rentals are linked to your club membership. If club membership lapses you must pay standard locker rates to continue using the locker; otherwise the locker will be deemed to have been abandoned.
  • ARK 90 S.L. provides the lockers for your own use at your own responsibility and is not responsible for any theft, vandalism or damage that may occur to the locker or its contents.
  • Upon the end of your rental period the locker must be cleaned out and the key returned to the site office. Any items left in the locker will be deemed to have been abandoned and will be disposed of.
  • No stickers, decals, or markings of any kind are permitted on, or in, the locker. Any evidence of such will result in forfeiture of the locker.
  • You may not replace or tamper with the lock of the locker.
  • The locker must be kept odour free,
  • Only items directly linked to the activity of Bowling and the Club may be stored in the lockers. You are responsible for the contents. If you place anything in your locker which affects other people’s lockers, you are solely responsible.
  • You expressly agree that ARK 90 S.L. has the right to search any locker at the request of the Club or other authorities.
  • The locker key remains the property of ARK 90 S.L. A flat rate fee of €10 shall be charged for copies or lost keys.
  • Access to the lockers is provided only when the Club House is open and this is at the discretion of the Club.

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