Charter home delivery service

We are now offering home delivery from our Consum supermarket to the Los Gallardos area! PLUS, if you rent a postbox from us, we’ll run your parcels up to your home at the same time as your shopping 🙂

Delivery every Weds and Fri at midday

Use our WhatsApp ordering system – once registered you just send WhatsApp’s to your shopping basket and on delivery day we’ll bring you everything!

€4 per delivery. No minimum purchase required. You can also make your purchases in our physical store and we will take your purchases to your home.

Deliveries will be on Wednesdays and Fridays between 12:00 to 14:00.

The maximum limit of water that you can request in the same order is 80 liters. Our physical means only allow us to guarantee that amount per order.

You can pay for the order both in cash and by bank card, but always in the store. At home, you can pay for the purchase only with a bank card.

The price of the products will be the price marked by Consum on the day of delivery.

If the brand of a product is not specified, or if the requested item is not in stock, you will receive the Consum white label, and if none of them are in stock, the item will not be delivered.

We use more resistant recycled plastic bags with a longer life time that allow them to be reused many more times. In addition, in fresh products we use compostable bags. On the other hand, we offer you the possibility of delivering the plastic bags to our delivery people and we will later take care of recycling them (in no case do we reuse them).

You can place your order through the following means:

  • By WhatsApp to: 608 260 157 
  • By phone: 608 260 157 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 16:00
  • At the Charter Consum store in Los Gallardos

Your User number is your DNI or NIE, without a letter. Remember to quote it in all orders in order to locate your customer file!

Home service conditions

The personal data provided by you, now and/or later, will be processed by ARK 90 SL (CIF B04122974, La Perulaca 34, 04280 Almería, Spain), in order to manage the registration in the service; take the purchase to your home and communicate with you, the legal basis being the provision of services requested by you.

We will keep your data for the time necessary to comply with the obligations derived from the service. Then they will be blocked during the legal deadlines and will later be deleted. Your data will not be transferred to third parties unless a law establishes it. You can Access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information on Data Protection here.

Access authorization It is the client’s responsibility to provide the necessary access authorization to the delivery person in the event of being in an area with personal or electronic surveillance, the delivery person being able to allocate a maximum of five minutes to the necessary procedures for access to the restricted area of ​​the property. . In no case may the delivery person access the interior of your home, the delivery is made at the door of the home. If you are absent at the time of delivery, our staff will leave you a business card with the telephone number of our supermarket, so that you can contact us and arrange a new delivery section. The delivery of the order will be made in a single point, on the ground next to the access door to the house, and a maximum of five meters from it. The reception of the order will imply being in agreement with the general conditions of the home service, the conformity with the delivery, that it is a service with an obligation to pay, as well as the address, date, time of delivery and detail of the ticket of the purchase that includes the service fee. 

Delivery of products to the person in charge of the indicated address or their representative. In no case will alcohol products be delivered to minors under 18 years of age.

We reserve the right to accept service requests in homes that involve a special effort or risk for the delivery person, or those in which access to the unloading place with a forklift is not allowed. Returns, legal guarantee and right of withdrawal: We inform you that you are assisted by a legal guarantee in accordance with current regulations

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