Bowling membership information

Please note that the Almería Lawn Bowling Centre will cease operations in September 2025. The area will then be redeveloped into new sporting facilities for the resort as a whole. You can still enjoy playing at the ALBC until September 2025.

The Almería Lawn Bowling Club run the carpet bowling green at Los Gallardos Leisure. It is a friendly and open club which offers free introductory lessons to new prospective members, along with a friendly social scene.

Lawn bowling is a fun, social outdoor sport that does not stress the body and is Covid19 safe, as it takes place outdoors with plenty of social distancing between teams!

Why not come along for a no obligation chat?

In addition to the normal full memberships open to everyone we also offer temporary memberships up to a maximum of six months. The costs in euros are as follows:

6 months
5 months
4 months
3 months
2 months
1 month
1 week
1 day
Weekends only (12 months)

We allow “weekend only” bowlers, a new plan for people who work during the week, but who can enjoy a substantial discount on the main membership plan by only playing on weekends. Annual memberships now start on the date of joining and run for one calendar year.

Please note: Members are required to wear white clothing and approved footwear at all times

Download an application form or pop into the office onsite.

Never played before but are interested in taking up the sport?

We continue to offer potential new members free introductory lessons! Come along and have one of our pros explain the rules of the game, and have a go on the carpet. Pop into the clubhouse to ask for more information.

Carpet bowling on a sunny morning in Almería!

Committee information

Application subject to approval by club committee. Members who allow their membership to lapse and rejoin within six months are charged a €50 rejoining fee.

Only full and six month members may vote at the club’s annual general meeting and serve on the club’s members’ committee.

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