Camping Clubcard terms and conditions


1. The promoter of the Camping ClubCard is ARK 90 s.l., with CIF nº B04122974 and social domicile at La Perulaca s/n, 04280 Los Gallardos, Almería, Spain, henceforth known as “ARK 90” or “Camping Los Gallardos”.

2. These terms and conditions were published on the 1st of March 2018 and as from 00:01 hours on that date became the sole governing contract between users of the scheme and ARK 90.

3. ARK 90 reserves the right to change these terms, at any time, on reasonable notice for legal, regulatory, business or policy reasons. Members who continue to participate in the scheme following such a change will be considered to have accepted the updated terms and conditions. These terms are governed under the rules and laws of Andalucia, subservient to the Law of Spain, and any disputes shall be decided upon in the courts of Vera, Almeria, or the Arbitration Courts of Almeria. The latest and true copy of these T&C can be found on the schemes’ website.

The Scheme
1.These terms and conditions, in conjunction with the privacy policy, are applicable across the entire Clubcard scheme and participation is considered as acceptance.
2.The Clubcard account, card, coupons, vouchers and points, in whatever form, are issued by and remain the property of ARK 90 which may, at any time, terminate the scheme or alter or amend the conditions of operation of the scheme.

Data collection and usage

  1. All members of the scheme must be aged 18 years or over.
  2. Members are only entitled to one Clubcard account each. ARK 90 reserves the right to refuse, merge or close additional accounts at any time.
  3. Members must register their personal details and keep ARK 90 informed of any changes. ARK 90 cannot be held responsible for any loss of points or vouchers incurred as a result of out of date details. New accounts that are not used within six months of first being registered and accounts with out of date details that have not been updated for six months will be removed and any points or vouchers forfeited.
  4. The Clubcard card, in whatever form, is not transferable, cannot be copied and can only be used by the member who is named and registered for the card.
  5. Clubcard cards and vouchers remain the responsibility of the Clubcard member, as do any security details relating to the account. ARK 90 cannot be held responsible for any loss arising from the member failing to ensure the safe-keeping of these items.
  6. ARK 90 may decline to issue, withdraw or cancel Clubcard accounts, cards, coupons, vouchers and points, in whatever form, and / or remove a member from the scheme at any time where there is reasonable belief:
    a.any abuse or attempted abuse of the scheme;
    b.any breach or attempted breach of these terms and conditions and / or those relating to the optional elements of the scheme;
    c.any behaviour relating to Clubcard or ARK 90 that involves theft, misconduct, abusive or offensive behaviour, or supplying false or misleading information.
  7. The scheme is only for personal and consumer use. Clubcard cards cannot be used for any business purposes.
  8. Clubcard accounts, cards, coupons, points and vouchers cannot be transferred, bought, sold or in any way traded.
  9. Members can choose to leave the scheme at any time. By leaving the scheme members forfeit the right to any points or vouchers already accrued or issued.
  10. Members may inherit the points or vouchers of a family member who has died by providing a written request informing us of the membership details of the deceased.
  11. Accounts cannot be merged, or points transferred between accounts, unless in a situation contemplated in these T&C’s.


  1. Clubcard cards can only be used for purchases from ARK 90 and promotional partners who are part of the scheme
  2. Members who do not collect any points for one year will be removed from the scheme and will need to reapply for new membership should they wish to rejoin. Points accrued and vouchers issued but not reclaimed will be forfeit upon this date. 
  3. Members must present their Clubcard card at the checkout in order to collect points for a transaction at the moment of purchase of goods. Members who forget to do this may have their points added manually up to 7 days after the transaction upon production of a valid receipt, providing the receipt belongs to the claiming member and is based on their personal spend. Points may only be claimed for up to two receipts per day.
  4. Members will be required to quote their Clubcard number to collect points on purchases made through any catalogue, phone, partner or online transaction.
  5. To be awarded points, members must spend above a certain amount on qualifying products in a single transaction. The amount of points awarded may change and will vary depending on the products bought, the amount spent and where the transaction takes place. The minimum spend in order to accrue points is 0.01€.
  6. Where points can be collected with partners further terms and conditions may apply.
  7. Points will not be awarded for non-qualifying products, including (but not exclusive to) tobacco or tobacco related products, lottery, stamps, newspapers, Gift Cards, Butano fuel, Camping Gaz, Utility Bills, Maintainence Bills, Rental payments, mobile phone topup credit, wireless internet access, generic bills issued to campers for the stay or duration of their visit to Camping Los Gallardos, entertainment event tickets, generic service invoices or for purchases of indicated products. Other products may also be excluded from the scheme at the discretion of ARK 90.
  8. Points will be awarded for individual transactions. In the case that group purchases are being made by one individual, points cannot be split between the group, and depending on the event, points may not be awarded to the person making the group transaction.
  9. Clients have the right to be informed, at the moment of purchase, of the number of points being added or subtracted from their account.
  10. ARK 90 may set a limit on the number of times points may be awarded for promotional items on which additional points are available. Individual promotions may have different limits as communicated in their purchase conditions. Any participation in promotional offers above and beyond what could objectively be considered consumer behaviour or personal use may be considered as abuse of the scheme.
  11. ARK 90 is entitled to remove points at any time if products are returned for any reason and a full or partial refund of the purchase price is given. This also applies to the exchange of products, unless the exchange is for products with an equivalent points value.
  12. Points awarded at the time of the transaction or vouchers already issued may be removed or cancelled if ARK 90 determines that the points were collected in breach of these terms and conditions or were awarded in error.
  13. For the avoidance of doubt, any advice or actions of our staff that is contrary to these terms and conditions will not have the effect of changing these T&C’s.
  14. Points have no value until converted into vouchers. Unspent points will not be redeemed for cash under any circumstances. The current conversion value of points is one point equals one eurocent.
  15. ARK 90 is under no obligation to award Clubcard points for any reason outside of qualifying transactions.
  16. Points have a lifespan of one year and expire after this time period has lapsed.
  17. Your point balance is calculated using the following formula: (points accumulated in the last 12 months) – (points spent in the last 12 months).

Privacy Policy

We inform you of the possibility of exercising rights of access, rectification, cancellation of your personal data by emailing or by letter addressed to us at our registered address, accompanied by a copy of your ID.

Our full privacy policy, what data we collect and how we use your data, can be found here.

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