Coming with your pet?

We Love Pets!

That’s why your first two pets stay FREE for short-term visits, with just a €10 monthly fee after that.

However, to ensure a comfortable stay for everyone—including those who aren’t pet lovers—we have a few important rules.

By bringing a pet onto the campsite, you confirm that:

✅ You are responsible for your pet’s behavior at all times.

✅ You acknowledge that pets on the campsite are regulated under Andalusian law:

  • DECRETO 164/2003 (Junta de Andalucía, BOJA 122 – June 27)
  • LEY 11/2003 (Junta de Andalucía, BOJA 237 – December 10)
  • Article 14 of Royal Decree 1021/2022, which regulates hygiene in food retail establishments

✅ You have all required documentation and vaccinations for your pets, in compliance with the above regulations.

✅ You will ensure your pets remain quiet, clean, and under control at all times.

✅ Upon check-in, you must present valid civil liability insurance covering damages to third parties, including pet-related incidents.

✅ Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times within the campsite.

✅ Pets are not permitted in the bar/restaurant, swimming pool, supermarket, or children’s playground.

Pets are welcome in accordance with Articles 12, 13, and 14 of our General Terms & Conditions.

Thank you for helping us maintain a pet-friendly and harmonious environment for all! 🐾

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