Welcome to Camping Los Gallardos!

Camping Los Gallardos is the largest mobile home and campsite in the south of Spain.

With some 125 camping pitches, and over 250 mobile homes sited, this family run park home site in Almeria has been providing people with a community base in Spain since 1991.

We offer our guests full onsite amenities, such as a large (and very popular!) bar and restaurant open all day, every day, a carpet lawn bowling green, a full chlorine-free swimming pool, petanca pitches, table tennis, a full onsite shop, nighttime security, 24 hour assistance, and much more.

So whether you are on a camping holiday, or looking for a base in Spain, Camping Los Gallardos can offer you a short or long term home.

Browse our site for more information, or contact us if you have a question.

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