Longer term camping

How long do you want to come for?

Under government regulations for campsites, guests may stay for a maximum of 11 months within any 12-month period. However, units can remain on-site year-round. Guests must relocate to a different pitch at least once per year.

10 Month stays

You can use a standard pitch on a 10 month stay. This includes your car & caravan or motorhome, an awning and two people. You can come and go as much as you want during the period without having to move your unit. And family can use it when you’re not here! Check out our fees page for pricing.

Want to know what you can put on your pitch?

Please note that caravans must be kept in good, moveable condition to take advantage of this offer and we do not accept children on a long term contract. Caravans cannot be sold whilst sited on a pitch and we cannot transfer site fees to another person. Caravans must be moved to a different pitch at the end of each stay.

Six months camping

Our 6 month plan gives you 183 days camping.

Check out our fees page for pricing.

Store and use

You can store your caravan with us in our compound. Then when you come out and use it, you just pay standard camping rates.

We’ll even move your caravan onto a pitch for you, for a small fee!

Daily rates

Just pay as you go!

Please note that prices quoted are for standard pitches. Super pitches (with water and drainage) are available at a supplement. Utilities are metered and charged for as used.

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