Storage of vehicles terms and conditions

All vehicles are stored onsite subject to these terms and conditions. These T&C’s are a translated version of the Spanish original which can be viewed here.

  1. “We” or “The Company” is ARK 90 S.L., the registered owner and operator of Camping Los Gallardos, also trading under the name Los Gallardos Leisure. ‘You’ or ‘Owner’ is the signatory to these terms and conditions (‘Ts&Cs’). ‘Vehicle’ is your car, caravan, campervan or motorcycle that We have agreed to provide storage services for. ‘Premises’ is the secure storage unit used by the Company for purpose of storing your vehicle.
  2. All prices are per calendar month (although shorter storage periods can be agreed) and include IVA. Prices are for a parking spot and You are entitled to park any acceptable vehicle in that spot during the term of rental. Part months are chargeable on a pro-rata basis. For long term storage the entire storage period is payable in advance. Vehicles will not be accepted for storage for more than 12 months, although storage can be renewed. Please contact us for further details. The price given assumes that the vehicle is removed and used by you once per quarter and checked back in once per quarter. Before any vehicle is released from storage, all accounts must be paid in full. We reserve the right to change prices, or specification of services or to amend or discontinue such services without notice (however existing clients will receive a minimum of 30 days’ notice of any changes that will affect them).
  3. Storage charges do not include the cost of any carriage of a vehicle to or from storage
  4. No maintenance is carried out by the Company. We can accommodate Owners reasonable maintenance measures within our standard pricing, such as access to basic tools, battery chargers or tyre inflators. For safety and security reasons, we are unable to allow customers to carry out work in our Premises and all visits to our Premises are strictly by appointment. Vehicles must be kept in a legal and roadworthy condition by the owners during the period of storage.
  5. We aim to be as flexible as possible with access and can accommodate most short term requests for access but only during standard business hours. We are contactable by phone or email from 8am to 9pm any day of the week. We will not be able to arrange access on Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year’s Day. Access will not be granted unless You provide satisfactory proof as to your identity and right of access to the vehicle. Any person other than the Owner authorised to collect the vehicle from storage must show proof of agreement to do so from the person who checked in the vehicle.
  6. The Storage compound is not covered but hard standing units are available on request at a supplement. Security is provided by our own staff, and partial CCTV coverage is available. We are also connected to the security services via the Prosegur alarm network.
  7. You acknowledge there can be no guarantee against some degradation of your vehicle whilst in storage although the environment and care provided by Us seeks to minimise this. If You expressly request the Company to drive / exercise your vehicle, You acknowledge that your vehicle can still incur general wear and tear from such normal use. We treat every vehicle with the upmost care and attention and will proactively notify you if your vehicle displays any issues. We shall not be liable for any mechanical or electrical malfunction or failure while the Vehicle is in storage or at any other time. You are required to deposit one full set of all keys for the Vehicle in storage, including remote and alarm keys. The Company may at any time require the Owner to remove any vehicle upon 30 days’ notice in writing to the Owner in this event any pre-paid monies will be refunded to the customer on a pro-rata basis.
  8. Owners should notify their insurance company of their intention to place their vehicle in our care and must not allow any tax, technical inspection (ITV) or insurance to lapse. You acknowledge that any insurance cover provided by the Company only applies whilst your vehicle is in our care. Any insurance cover will no longer apply once you have removed your vehicle from our premises. The contents of the vehicle are not insured by the Company. A copy of the insurance policy can be provided upon request.
  9. We must be made aware of vehicles that require any special conditions of insurance cover. By placing your vehicle in storage with us, You must inform the Company in writing of any special care required due to the particular nature of the vehicle in particular specifying any necessary operating precautions and highlight any pre-existing damage or issues. When presented for storage no explosive or dangerous articles may be deposited in the vehicle and the vehicle shall be in such condition so as not to cause damage or injury or the likelihood of damage or injury to the property of the Company or to any other vehicles. The Owner will indemnify the Company against any loss or damage it may suffer as a result of breach of this Condition and will pay all costs and expenses incurred in, and the Company’s reasonable charges for, dealing with the breach and its consequences. Any claim by the Owner against the Company shall be notified in writing to the Company within 7 days of the vehicle being collected from storage and any claims not so notified shall be deemed waived.  The Owner agrees that any video or photographic record of the vehicle made upon delivery for storage is a true and accurate record of the condition of the vehicle at that time. The Owner shall give the Company notification of any changes of address.
  10. In the event of non-payment for services, the Company shall have a particular lien on any vehicle parked as well as a general lien enabling it to retain the vehicle as security for payment of all sums claimed by the Company from the Owner on any account outstanding. Storage charges shall continue to accrue on any vehicle detained under the lien. It remains the responsibility of the Owner to cancel any regular standing order payments. In the event of failure by the Owner to pay any amount charges owed to the Company, the Company may, without prejudice to its other rights and remedies against the Owner, give notice in writing to the Owner of its intention to sell or otherwise dispose of the vehicle at the Owner’s entire risk and expense. If amounts owed are not paid and/or such vehicles are not removed within 28 days from such notice, the Company shall be entitled to sell or otherwise dispose of the vehicle and the proceeds of any such sale or disposal shall be remitted to the Owner after deduction of all expenses and all amounts claimed by the Company from the Owner. The Company will use a reasonably appropriate method of sale but will not be liable for any inadequacy in price achieved.
  11. We do not pass on any of your personal details, or sell mailing list data, to third parties. Your data is treated in accordance with our Data Protection Policy. You are required to provide an email address which will serve as a point of contact for all communications from the company to You.

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