Almeria String Folk Music Night

This October, come along on Thursday 22nd to the monthly Almeria Strings folk music night.

Almeria Strings is a non-profit, informal association of strictly acoustic musicians dedicated to promoting and preserving the folk, celtic, bluegrass, old-time and related traditions and encouraging fluency on fretted acoustic instruments.

In addition to providing a meeting point for those in the area with an interest in this type of music, we are also extremely dedicated to encouraging new players. Experienced and beginners will be made equally welcome. Along with regular meetings and performances, we will also be holding workshop sessions where complete beginners (or more experienced players) can broaden their knowledge and improve their skills.

We concentrate on music made by the acoustic guitar, mandolin, fiddle, banjo, mountain (Appalachian) dulcimer, Irish bouzouki, guitar and string bass, but other folk and acoustic instruments will also feature from time to time. We have also hosted some guest musicians from other parts of Europe, Australia and the US.

Oct 22 Folk Nightg


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