Christmas Carvery Lunches every Sunday this December!

Every Sunday from now until Christmas is like Christmas Day at Miraflores, with our special Christmas Carvery Sunday Lunches!

And yes, you even get a Cracker each!

Cracker included. Pet is not!
Cracker included. Pet is not!

For just €9,50 per person choose from our huge Carvery selection, including Roast Turkey, Honey glazed Gammon and Roast Pork, and all the trimmings, including real Roast Potatoes, parsnips, Brussel Sprouts, Cranberry sauce, and all the other trimmings without which it wouldn’t be a propery Christmas Lunch.

Every Sunday throughout December, only at Miraflores LOGO

Christmas Sunday Carvery Lunches are available every Sunday lunchtime with seating until 4pm. We recommend you book a table before coming: 650 418 954.

Groups and large parties welcome by prior arrangement.

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