What’s On this December

Please note the following opening times of Miraflores over Christmas:

  • Christmas Eve: We will be running a reduced menu and special bar snacks on Christmas Eve. Opening hours as normal, with Christmas carols playing all evening.
  • Christmas Day: Special event by ticket only (sorry, now fully booked).
  • Boxing Day: We will be running a reduced menu and special bar snacks until mid-afternoon. Closed in the evening. There will be bowling in the morning at the Almería Lawn Bowling Centre.
  • New Year’s Eve: Special evening event by ticket only (sorry, now fully booked). Open at midday as normal.
  • New Year’s Day: We will be running a reduced menu and special bar snacks until mid-afternoon. Closed in the evening. There will be bowling in the morning at the Almería Lawn Bowling Centre.
What's on this December at Miraflores
What’s on this December at Miraflores

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