Airport shuttle from site to Almería airport as from this June!

We’re delighted to say that the site has signed an agreement with a new Airport shuttle bus service, starting this June 1st!Exclusive Shuttle picture and logo

Exclusive Airport Shuttles will be picking up and dropping off from the Campsite direct to Almeria Airport for just €18 per person each way, with discounts available for larger groups of people.

The service starts 1st of June 2014, and once the service commences you’ll be able to book your airport transfer direct from this website or via the Campsite Reception.

For more information watch this space or contact us.

More information on the service will be available when the Shuttle Service starts.

Meanwhile, you can continue to offer and look for car pooling opportunities to local airports or shopping malls online at our community forums: Almeria car pool offers and requests.

You can book your airport shuttle (after the 1st of June 2014) now online here, or check back closer to the launch date for an online booking form from this website.

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