PAWS raise 1210€ at the 8th Hippy night held at Miraflores

It was a fantastic night at Miraflores at Camping Los Gallardos as some 200 wannabe hippies danced the night away to the very best 60’s songs from The Daytrippers.

It was the 8th annual Hippies night organised as always by the efficient and ambitious Siobhan Tattan and this year it raised a whopping €1.210 for local animal shelter PAWS.

Siobhan thanked Miraflores for another stunning evening, saying that “We could not have asked for a better night. Everything was just spot on. The food I was told by everyone was perfect. It came out right on time and was really lovely. Also your staff being able to speak both English and Spanish was a delight. Every single comment I have had has been positive. I have seen so many pictures on FB and every single one is of people laughing dancing and basically having a ball. I don’t think at any one time there was less than 50 people up dancing. And all in the groove…..”

The Name that Dog competition was a great success, with Holly Rostron winning by choosing the name Doris Doda (from the bonzo dog doo dar band) and taking home the Dog.

Jackie Miles Kirby and Bill Matthews won the best dressed hippies competition. Raffle winners were Tom Robinson and Kevin Hall. A great time was had by all and we look forwards to next years event!

For more photos please see this Facebook album (click here).

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