Formula Camping 2014 : Special rates for campers this Spring 2014 in Andalucia!

Camping Los Gallardos has signed up to this Springs Formula Camping 2014 campaign by the Andalucian Campsite Federation!

It’s a special campaign by campsites across Andalucía to offer campers in the region special offers for short term breaks, meaning you can camp from as little as €8 a day in campsites across the region!

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As the only campsite in the Mojácar region of Almeria to join this promotion, we hope to be able to bring new campers to this region of Andalucía and introduce them to the wonder that is Mojácar.

Campers who have signed up to the scheme can camp overnight with all facilities included at Camping Los Gallardos for just €20 (RV, or car+caravan, 2 adults and children) or obtain greater discounts for longer stays.

For more on the Formula Camping scheme, visit their website here or visit the Federacion Andaluza de Campings (in English and Spanish).

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